[Guide] Combat Rogue Macro Guide (2024)

[Guide] Combat Rogue Macro Guide (1)
A combat rogue point of view!

A little background : I have stopped playing the game, but knowing that a combat rogue has become very viable in 5.4.8, this guide should help quite a few of you who are looking into getting some rogue pvp action. Only prerequisites :

1. Basic knowledge of using macros of all types
2. Addon called Macro toolkit - which helps you extent the length of macros

First of, this is only a macro guide. I will explain the various type of macro's that work as of patch 5.4.8 and what is the general idea behind using each of them.

This guide will be from the point of view of a PVP combat rogue but feel free to apply it to your own class and requirement, since this guide also covers how some of these macros work in game and how to create them from scratch.

The guide will have following sections -
2. Rogue macro's that I use with scenarios.
3. Utility macros for all classes
4. Macro Conditionals

Lets start with the 4 basic types of macros!

SECTION 1 : Type of macros

1. No GCD

/cast <spell 1>
/cast <spell 2>

This type of macro is most generally used as a burst macro/panic button. The most important condition for this macro to run is that the spells in this macro should NOT share GCD. A common use of this is on warlocks when you cast dark regeneration and glyphed heartstone (make sure its glyphed to work as a HOT and not insta heal for max benefit!) for a full HP Hot

2. Cast sequences

/castsequence [condition] reset=4,target <spell 1>, <spell 2>, <spell 3>

Cast sequences are one of the most useful yet broken macros in wow. They work in the following way : based on the [condition], if you spam the button, it will cast spells 1 to 3 one after the other (gcd included). However if you don't spam it for say 4 seconds OR you change your target, the cast sequence will refresh and start from first spell again.

Why is this broken? Well it works beautifully for a few spells that you know you would not be interrupted on. But say an enemy hits you with disarm before you could cast your third spell. Then you are stuck! You will have to recast the whole macro to cast spell 3 after waiting for reset time or double swap target to refresh it!

The best use of this macro? Openers OR spells that you know will only be used once during a duel. Eg. Rogue openers usually cant be interrupted with Subterfuge talent and you can unleash like 5 spells without even being seen :D
Similarly, this can be used for spamming a totem configuration that you really like on you shammy!

3. Modifier macros

/cast [nomod] <spell 1>
/cast [mod:shift] <spell 2>
/cast [mod:alt] <spell 3>
/cast [mod:ctrl] <spell 4>

How this works? Well, if you hit the button direcly, it casts spell 1 but if you hold any modifier say, shift, alt, ctrl etc, and then hit the button, it will cast the other spell associated with that modifier!

Again a very common type of macro. This is more like a macro that saves you from the effort of raising your finger from one button on a keyboard to another, you lazy bastards! But with all seriousness, it is amazing! I rarely use a spell that doesn't have at least one modifier macro'ed to it. Saves space and time = more efficient combat!

NOTE : You can have modifiers with /castsequence as well in the [condition] section!!

3. Rotation based macro

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,<spell 4>
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,<spell 3>
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,<spell 2>
/castsequence reset=0.3 <spell 1>

This is, hats off, the laziest macro i have EVER seen. Its AMAZING! Say you have a fixed priority. You need to keep casting spells 1 to 4 as soon as they come down from cd. What do you do? Ladies and gentlemen you spam this macro :D

How this works : Its a bit complicated but lets see if i can explain it. In the above sample macro, there are 4 cast sequences. When i hit the button once, it will cast the

1st entry of ALL four cast sequences.

Before I explain what happens on each click, what is this 0?? 0 = ammo slot in bag! And it has no GCD!

So this is what happens on each click (try to see the macro above as columns of spells rather than rows!):

1st click (first column of spells): cast 0, cast 0, cast 0, cast <spell 1>
2nd click (second column of spells): cast 0, cast 0, cast <spell 2>
3rd click (third column of spells): cast 0, cast <spell 3>
4th click (fourth column of spells): cast <spell 4>

What happens next? Well, it loops the above sequence, and if a spell has not come out of cd, it skips it and moves on to the next spell!. So say you are on spell 4 right now, and spell 2 has come of cd but other two spells are still on cd. Then the next four clicks will cast spell 2 then spell 4 only!

Amazing macro. Let me tell you from personal experience that I had a very long version of this macro for my frost DK PVE. And by spamming just this one macro I did like 130k+ dps. Of course i had included my burst trinkets and cds into this macro as well!. So i had little control on when to use what. But, if don't need a lot of control in the fight and you basically need to spam everything based on a priority list as soon as they are available, this macro is for you!

SECTION 2 : My combat rogue PVP macros

Ok so now that i have discussed the basic 4 types of macros, lets go deeper into combat rogue macros and how they can be used in different scenarios.

First of, any rogue would know that they follow the following sequence for a kill burst -

Sap > Open > Burst > Spam >>> Vanish > Open > Spam

The idea is the same for all specs of rogue. BUT, what you use in each of the above phases is what matters! So even if you don't think that some of my spell sequences will work for you, make sure you modify them based on what works for you!


#showtooltip [mod:shift] Blind; Sap
/castsequence [nomod] reset=target 0,Redirect
/castsequence [nomod] reset=target Sap
/cast [mod:shift] Blind

This is a combination of type 3 and type 4 macro. Without a modifier, it will cast sap AND / OR redirect on target. With modifier it casts blind on them.

If I am in stealth and in range of target, i will spam this 2 times to cast spam and then redirect (which places any available combo points from other targets to my current target). Its basically like marking and preparing you target for the kill! If i am not in range, it will skip the sap part and apply redirect combo points on target, like a fake premedation!!! In BGs, there have been instances where i have been able to apply 5 combo points on target from 30 yards distance in stealth as well :D

On shift modifier, i blind them, which can be cast during fight and without stealth as well.


Casters/Healers -

/castsequence [nomod] reset=target garrote, expose armor, revealing strike, slice and dice
/cast [mod:shift] Revealing strike

Melee -

/castsequence [nomod] reset=target Cheap shot, expose armor, revealing strike, slice and dice
/cast [mod:shift] Revealing strike

Like I mentioned before, the rogue opener is usually the one thing that can't be avoided (in most cases, especially when you have subterfuge talent). What you do is cast the above spells to apply combo points, revealing strike debuff AND consume combo points on slice and dice. Just spam the above marco :D

Different rogues have different openers. See what works for you and edit the above sequence.

On modifier shift, it casts revealing strike in case i need only the debuff for a followup kidney shot.


#showtooltip [mod:shift] Adrenaline Rush; Shadow Blades
/cast Shadow Blades
/cast Adrenaline Rush
/use 13

Pretty simple macro, you cast AR and SB at the same time because they don't share GCD. You can add /use 13 if you have a burst trinket as well!

TIP : As a combat rogue, follow this up with a Killing spree if you know you can kill target instantly. Else, begin with killing spree and then hit this before you start SPAM (mentioned below) on them.

Note : 13 = slot id for first trinket and 14 = slot id for second trinket.


/cast [nomod] Sinister Strike
/cast [mod:shift] Eviscerate

Simple macro, build up points and consume with eviscerate. Or you can just build up points and then use kidney shot (in COUNTER macro below) for stun locking.


#showtooltip [mod:shift] Vanish; Stealth
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [nocombat] !Stealth
/cast [nocombat,stealth] Pick pocket
/castsequence [mod:shift] reset=6 Vanish, feint
/cast [mod:shift] Cloak of Shadows
/cast [mod:shift] Sprint
/cast [mod:shift] Preparation

This is probably one of the most amazing macros i have created :D #patmyself. I'll try to explain how this works. First, if you are mounted, it will dismount you, if you are attacking/casting it will stop doing that. Next if you are NOT in combat it will try to cast stealth. So what will happen is that if you are not in stealth, it will stealth you but not remove stealth if clicked again because of the ! added infront of the word stealth. However if you are in stealth and are in range of a valid target, you will simply pickpocket him (make sure you have Glyph of disguise for extra fun!)

Now comes the complex part. Say I am in a bad position and want to vanish. I hold shift and hit this macro. What happens is following. I Vanish and cast Cloak of shadows (removes debuffs/dots) and sprint instantly. But another spell is cast as well, Preparation (5 minute cd). What this does is that it refreshes my vanish (and sprint) instantly.

So the very second i cast my first vanish using this macro, I already have a second vanish (and sprint) ready to use!!!

Now, there was an issue with this. Say if i spammed this with shift 2+ times? Wont it use the second vanish too? It did initially so i made a fix! If you see carefully, the Vanish is not a /cast but a /castsequence. So if i hit this button more than once quickly, it will cast feint (doesn't break stealth). The only time i will be able to use Vanish again (the second vanish) is after 6 seconds (as mentioned in reset condition! I will admit, this is THE BEST vanish macro out there on the internet and i will be taking credit for this one :D (yay!)

NOTE : Since this macro exceeds the character limit of a normal macro, you will need an addon called Macrotoolkit for extending the character length to 1024 characters!


/cast [nomod] Burst of speed
/cast [mod:shift] Sprint

Simple macro :P. Keep running #nomountsneeded


/cast [nomod] Kidney shot
/cast [mod:shift] kick
/cast [mod:shift] marked for death

This is an arena focused macro. Works amazing. Basically, if you have all your combo points on target (say using spam macro) and you have revealing strike on target, hit this for 8 second kidney shot (after DR is over, else it hits for like 4-5 seconds).

However, the utility of this macro comes from the modifier part of this. Say you see a healer casting heal on himself at low health. First you hit this macro with modifier shift. That will interrupt the target (kick) and apply instant 5 combo points on him using marked for death. Then use a follow up kidney shot for a looooong *** stun on them and if you have burst available, they are dead! AND your mark for death gets refreshed!


/cast [nomod] 14
/cast [mod:shift] Will of the forsaken

Last but not the least (especially in PVP!), you need something to cleanse the 7 second fear that a lock casted or some long *** stun. If you are a undead, cast Will of the forsaken on fear and your PVP trinket (14 slot id) on stuns!

CUT OFF HEALS (For the lols!) :

/e farted toxic waste up your nostrils, no need to panic, it will be painless and quick!
/cast smoke bomb

Well, this only casts smoke bomb, but where is the fun in that!! Therefore the added emote! Lel.

SECTION 3 : Utility macros for all classes

"I stepped on ze hunter trap and fell down:(" :

/script RepopMe()

All in one mount (based on location):

/cast [flyable] Onyx Cloud serpent; [swimming] Sea Turtle; Ruby Panther

Set max camera distance (lets you scroll your view to max distance!)

/script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30)

Teleport out of dungeon!

/run LFGTeleport(true)Thanks to Missera! ~ What it does it teleports you out of the RDF dungeons if it bugs out and you don't get to finish it after teleporting re-log of course (you don't wanna get deserter). If you do get to finish it you can just simply leave the party!

Delete all grey items from bag, cuz i am a professional!

/run for bag = 0, 4 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot) DeleteCursorItem() end end endSECTION 4: Macro Conditionals (added section) :

Even a simple macro can become an amazingly advanced and useful macro if [conditionals] are used properly. I hope that some of the macros that I have shared will give you a brief idea about how to use [conditionals] but for posterity sake, here is the complied list of macro conditionals :

Source : http://wow.gamepedia.com/Macro_conditionalsactionbar:1/.../6 or bar:1/.../6 — Given action bar page is selected.
bonusbar:1/... — a (specific) bonus action bar is currently overriding the player's main action bar.
button:1/.../5/<virtual click> or btn:1/.../5/<virtual click> — Macro activated with the given mouse button.
canexitvehicle — Player is in a vehicle and can exit it at will.
channeling:<spell name> — Player is channeling the given spell.
cursor — The mouse cursor is currently holding an item/ability/macro/etc.
combat — Player is in combat.
dead — Conditional target exists and is dead.
equipped:<item type> or worn:<item type> — item type is equipped (item type can be an inventory slot, item type, or item subtype).
exists — Conditional target exists.
extrabar — Player currently has an extra action bar/button.
flyable — The player can use a flying mount in this zone (though incorrect in Wintergrasp during a battle).
flying — Mounted or in flight form AND in the air.
form:0/1/2/.../n or stance:0/.../n — In a form or stance such as [Bear Form], [Shadowform], [Metamorphosis], [Battle Stance], etc.
group:party/raid — Player is in the given type of group (if argument is omitted, defaults to party).
harm — Conditional target exists and can be targeted by harmful spells (e.g. [Fireball]).
help — Conditional target exists and can be targeted by helpful spells (e.g. [Heal]).
indoors — Player is indoors.
modifier:shift/ctrl/alt or mod:shift/ctrl/alt — Holding the given key.
mounted — Player is mounted.
outdoors — Player is outdoors.
overridebar — Player's main action bar is currently replaced by the override action bar.
party — Conditional target exists and is in your party.
pet:<pet name or type> — The given pet is out.
petbattle — Currently participating in a pet battle.
possessbar — Player's main action bar is currently replaced by the possess action bar.
raid — Conditional target exists and is in your raid/party.
resting — Player is currently resting.
shapeshift — Player's main action bar is currently replaced by a temporary shapeshift action bar.
spec:1/2 — Player's active specialization group (spec, talents and glyphs).
stealth — Player is stealthed.
swimming — Player is swimming.
talent:<row#>/<column#> — Conditional talent activated.
unithasvehicleui — Conditional target has vehicle UI.
vehicleui — Player has vehicle UI.

These are all the macros i could think off for now. There are a few other classes which I can work on, such as Warrior(arms), Hunter(all specs), Feral, Afflock. Let me know what you shall like to see next.

Also, if you have any queries, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Please let me know any feedback or suggestions in comments!!

Till then,

Wenomm - The Assassin Rogue

P.S I will keep updating this going forward and may even add a few for other classes!

[Guide] Combat Rogue Macro Guide (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.