The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)

The Republican The News FORECASE FIRST MILLVILLE DAILY REPUBLICAN Established 1864. VOL LXVII- -No. 170 MILLVILLE, N. MONDAY, JULY 20, 1931 MEMBER TEA PRICE TWO CENTS Several Were Injured In Accidents Over Week-End Two Most Seriously Hurt Remain in Millville Hospital, Their Car Leaving the Highway and Crashing Into a Pole- One Has Probable Fracture of Skull, and Wife of Driver a Fractured Leg- -Children Slightly Cut. PHILA.

WOMAN HURT WHEN CAR TURNED TURTLE ELDERLY WOMAN DIED SUDDENLY Mrs. Jesse McHenry, Passed Away Quietly While Sitting. in Chair. LIVED HERE MANY YEARS Sitting quietly in an arm chair at her home, 506 North Second street, at about noon yesterday, Mrs. Annie McHenry, widow of the late Jessie MeHenry, died suddenly.

She had been in declining health for several years, but did not complain, yesterday morning. and her grand daughter, Mrs. Meta Melvin, was in an adjoining room when death came. When Mrs. Melvin spoke to her grandmother and received no, reply she found that the aged woman had ex' pired.

Mrs. McHenry was in the eightythird year and was born in Medford. She came to Millville at the age of 17 and resided the remainder of her life. Her late husband was born in Williamstown, and also came here early in life. He died in 1912.

Mrs. McHenry was admired by all who knew her. and was a member of TrinSty M. E. Church.

Surviving are one son, Winfield MeHenry and one grand Mrs. Howard Melvin. Relatives are invited to attend the tuberal from the late residence, 596 North Second street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Services and interment wilt be private, the interment to be made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. COLORED CAMP Colored camp meetings, which some tarty years or 80.

ago attracted hundrede to the old grove at the Bethel M. E. Church, at Fifth. and Smith Streets, ape again in progress with spirited speaking and singing every night. The pastor, Rev.

J. W. Harmon, is being assisted by speakers from out-of-town. VETERAN DROWNS NEAR PENNSGROVE Find Body Fifteen Minutes After Reported Drowning Floating on River. HAD BEEN BATHING Pennsgrove, July -Jacob man.

57, of Borden avenue, was drowned late yesterday while swimming in the Delaware river. The man, pensioned SpanishAmerican War veteran, was said to have been seized with cramps a half hour after he started bathing. His body was. found floating in the river 15 minutes after he was noticed missing. Walter Beoll, of 1029 Segal street, Camden, jumped into the river, fully.

and brought the body to shore. He rushed the man to: Pennsgrove borough hall where Dr. Osmyn Baker used" an Inhalator In an attempt to revive him. Two daughters, Mra. Dorothy Monrosch.

22. of 1546 Hollywood street, and Miss Elsie Losman; 20, same address, were visiting Losman- when the tragedy oceurred. BIBLE CLASS HELD SOJOURN AT SHORE delightful trip and sojourn at Ocean City was that of the Friendly Bible Class of the West Side M. E. Church, on Saturday.

The class gaged in bathing and games on the beach, after which they were well entertained at the cottage of Mrs. Rachel Boetsma. A tureen supper was served and was enjoyed by all. Those present were: Mrs: Stacy Myers, Mra. Rachel Boetsma, Mrs.

Priscilla Phy, Mrs. Louise R. Johnson. Mrs. Alma Simpkins.

Mrs. Edith Zimmerman, Mrs. Anna Keller, Mrs. Theresa Brown, Mrs. Nellie Brown.

Mrs. Irvin DuBois and Mrs. Edith Sutton. TRAFFIC VIOLATION tags by Lieutenant Richard Haines Charged with driving, with fictitious last evening. Furman Lawless was are reigned before Mayor Harry Jones last night.

The evidence was conclugive and he was fined, $5 and costs. Miss Dora -Kessler "of North street var an Ocean elty, visitor Friday evening. START OF FALL'S JOURNEY TO PRISON Prison lay at the end of the trail for Albert Interior left his El Paso, home to go by he was to proceed to the State Penitentiary at day for receiving a bribe. This photo, which geles, and telephoned to New York, he emerged from his house. Mrs.

Fall and PAID HIS FINE BUT CHECK WAS PHONEY Didn't Mind Little Fine and Handed Mayor a Check on Elmer Bank. POLICE TO LOCATE HIM Mayor Harry Jones and. the police are checking up upon a man who signed himself Jule Ocola and his arrest is likely if located on the charge of passing a worthless check. The man was arrested by Officer Grover Wolverton with speeding and. arraigned before Mayor Jones, was fined $5 and costs, total of $6.

He said he didn't mind a little fine like that and tendered a check for the amount. The money was turned over to the motor vehicle department. Meanwhile the check was deposited and came back from an Elmer bank upon which It was drawn marked account. In the investigation the police have learned that the man is an automobile salesman over in Salem county, and that he operates under that name. Should the case be reported to Trenhis license would without doubt be revoked: McALLISTER ACQUIRES HISTORIC MANSION Bridgeton, July For one hundred and sixteen years the colonial three-story brick.

building at 230 E. Commerce Street, has gloried in its 1 existence as one of the first, homes to be erected in Cumberland county and in its pride as an unchanged landmark since 1815. But no longer will the old, Ivy-covered structure boast of its singular position in Bridgeton memories. It is to go to meet its companions ol former days for the heirs of Dr. Robert Elmer have sold it to State Senator Albert McAllister, who will rebuild it into a modern law office.

FIND GRETNA GREEN IN MARYLAND TOWN The friends of Miss Laura Jerrell of Bridgeton pike and Wilbert Peterson: of Broad street were not a little surprised when it leaked out yesterday they had slipped quietly away and were wedded at Chesterton. Md. They were attended by Bloomfield Phrampus and his wife. While the couple much seen together, their most intimate friends were not aware of the pending matrimonial contract. Peterson is the star first-sacker of the representative Millville baseball team.

I CONTRACT AWARDED STOWMANS FOR BOATS Charles H. Stowman Sons, 'of Dorchester, have been awarded the contract by the U. 8. Publie Health Service for the construction. of four 41- foot quarantine bouts, for use in the far South.

The boats will cost approximately $8,500 each. The boats will he duplicates of the Q-13, now being used by the Publie Health Service, with a 12-foot molded beam and 4 foot 2 inch draft, and powered with a 45-horsepower fourcylinder Fairbanks Diesel engine. Optimism Reigns As Debt Conference Is Convened Te as shown above, the ailing former Secretary of the to his ranch at Three Rivers, N. M. After a short rest.

N. M. to begin serving a sentence of one year and by special chartered plane from El Paso to Los Anconvicted one-time cabinet member at the upper left an helped him into the waiting ambulance, seen at right: FISHING GUIDE MISSING IN BAY Police Find Motor Had Stalled in Boat but Man is Missing. HOPE FOR SAFETY B. Fall when, ambulance Santa.

Fe, was flown shows the two daughters Bridgeton, July 20. -Roy Roberta, 35. of Pennsgrove, Bayside. fishing guide, is believed to have been drowned yesterda; morning. His, empty boat was found anchored the Ship John light in Delaware Bay.

Roberts, married and the father of two children, was called to the cabin of Frank Logue at Stoe Creek to fix motor boat. After completing the Job he started back to Bayside, where he was last seen yesterday morning. County Detective Albert F. Murray examined the boat and found the ignition was on. County Detective Albert F.

Murray said there was no evidence that. Rob erts was drowned. It is possible that he may have joined another boat party when his engine stopped as it is not likely he would have locked his cabin and thrown over the anchor if he had fallen overboard accidentally, Murray said the man had been drinking. Coast guards of Cape May are searching for the body, DENNISVILLE MAN HELD FOR ASSAULT Guest Was Found Lying in Roadway Suffering From a Fractured Skull. HAD BEEN DRINKING Cape May Court House, July Police are holding William Stevenson, 162, of Dennisville, while waiting the outcome.

of injuries suffered by Thomas O'Rellly, 42, of Philadelphia, who was hit over the head with a club early yesterday by the Dennisville man. According to police, Stevenson went to the home of a neighbor, Charles Livingston, at 3 a. m. yesterday, and told hit he had just hit a man whom he had found in his home with a chth. Livingston called police.

When they arrived they found Stevenson sitting on the front porch of his home, while the blood-stained lying in figure of O'Rellly war fonnd the roadway. O'Reilly had been a guest at the Stevenson place for several weeks. and. according to police, the two men engaged in a drinking bout Saturday night. O'Rellly was taken to the Dr.

Mace Hospital, Wildwood. where physicians. say he suffering from a possible fractured skull. Miss Edith Henderson of Heistervitle underwent an operation for the removal tonsils at the local hosEpital last Thereday, Delegates From Seven Nations Believed to Be in Accord With Relief Program for German Nation- -Conference Rivals Versailles Treaty Conference in Importance -Believe That Week Will See Solution. CERTAIN GUARANTEES TO BE ASKED OF GERMANY Two persons were severely cut and are in Millville Hospital as a result of a crash in South Millville, when Ford sedan driven by Warren Weaner.

7732 street, Philadelphia, hit the soft shoulder of the State Highway Route 49. and skidding off to the side hit an electric fight pole, breaking the pole off so hard was the impact. hurry call from the scene of the accident brought a nurse from MIllville Hospital, and the ambulance, the traffic being cleared at the street intersections, and State Troopers from the Port Norris barracks were also quickly on the scene. The women badly cut were given first aid en route to the hospital. Mrs.

Sallie Dunlap, 70, 3044 Darien street, Philadelphia, was badly cut on the left forehead and left forearm by flying glass has a probable fractured skull, and Mrs. Warren Wenner, 26, wife of the driver, suffered severe lacerations and a fracture of the right leg. Both women are also suffering greatly from shock. Two Wenner children were slightly cut. The injuries of the party were attended by Dr.

Muriel Ramsey. The car was badly wrecked. There were seven occupants. of car driven by Anthony Samigletta, 7060 Gray avenue. Philadelphia.

when blowing out of a tire in front of the Millville Hospital, yesterday morning, at about 9 o'clock turned the machine turtle. Fortunately the car was not running rapidly, and while all were precipitated to the street, there was only injured, Mrs. Mary Samigletta, wife of the driver, who suffered a cut of the knee which necessitated three stitches, attended by Dr. Ramsey. The entire party was shaken up.

The car was considerably damaged. Philadelphia, July (AP) Four persons were killed in automobile accidents and six others lost their lives while bathing in the vicinity of this city over the week end. Newark, July (AP)- Twentythree persons were killed in New Jersey over the week-end and more than a score were injured in highway accidents. Drowning caused eleven of the deaths. Ten others died in automobile accidents, one was overcome by the heat; and another, Jennie Grimaldi, of New York, died of injuries reporch of her aunt's home Hamceived when she Jumped from, the monton, striking a stake which punctured her abdomen.

LOCAL COUPLE WED SATURDAY EVENING A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage of the Trinity M. E. at 8 o'clock Saturday evening when Raymond Taylor, of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, took 88 his bride.

Miss Nellie Frances Swain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swain, of 1000 Sassafras Street. The pastor, Rev. Herbert J.

Smith, performed the ceremony and the couple attended by Mr. and Mra. Elmer Taylor. CHAMPION STILL VERY CRITICAL Former Mayor of Ocean City Underwent Operation to Save Life. RELEASED ON BAIL City, N.

July G. Champion, former mayor who was badly beaten July 4. was reported to be in a critical condition, An emergency operation in efforts to save his life was performed yesterday on his scull. Following the beating, John T. Dart, of Philadelphia, was arrested and charged with assault.

He was released yesterday under $15.000 bail after his attorney had secured writ of habeas corpus. Freedom had been previously denied, pending outcome of Champion's injuries. Dart, police said, admitted the attack on Champion, but asserted that Champion had first attempted to attack Mre. Elizabeth Morrill, Dart's sister, Warrants have been sworn out against Champion by the woman and her brother. DIED IN AIR COLLISION Nextington, July Two men were killed in a collision of two United States, planes over this town.

others in planes army, reached the ground safely in parachutes. ton returned to his duties today after weeks' vacation, Motoreyele Officer Grover Wolver- London, July 20. (AP) -Statesmen of seven great powers assembled today for the most. Important national conference since the meetings at Versailles wrote the war into economic and political map of the world. They were charged with the task of reconciling conflicting national Interesta into a program of rescue able of pulling Germany free of economic catastrophe and, at the same time, of lessening financial stress throughout the world.

Britain prepared for the meeting simply, For the first assemblage of the statesmen, to be held this evening In Prime Minister McDonald's in the House of Commons, 10 borate was. planned. ed An London atmosphere today- of so much optimism: so pervad: diplomatic circles it was predicted the conference would finish its job this week. This confidence was in large part based upon the elimination from the program of the troublesome question of political guarantees asked by France from. Germany in exchange for her participation in financial aid.

Washington, July Dawes and Senator Morrow conferred with President Hoover today I concerning the German financial situation and the conference growing out lot It. GLASS BLOWERS TO RENEW WAGE CONTRACT Atlantic City, July 20, The Na: tional Association of Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware and the American Flint Glass Workers Union renewed for. one year their wage contract for the punch, tumbler and stemware departments. The present contract expires Sept. 1.

The contract provides average daily wage of 37.48 and a five and halt day week. It 1,750 work The wage conference will continue through next Wednesday. PLAN BIG DAY AT OCEAN CITY IN AUGUST Saturday, August 15th. will be Red Men's Day, at Ocean City, when members of the Improved Order of Red Men from all over New Jersey will meet at the seashore resort with their ladies for an all day outing. Festivities will start at 3 p.

and will continue throughout the afternoon and evening for the entertainment of the red skins, their squaws, papooses, and paleface friends, an this le a publio affair. These special features will be staged in Convention Hall. An Interesting feature of the program will be the exemplification of the adoption degree at .9 o'clock in the evening. RECOVERING Kermit McCaw, who has been very 111 with scarlet fever, is able to be about again. BLAZING WELL TOOK TOLL OF 8 LIVES Guests of Owner Engulfed in Flames When Gusher Was Ignited.

SEVEN ARE CRITICAL Mount Pleasant July 20. (AP) -An off field tire which climaxed the shooting of a gusher thirteen miles from here Saturday had taken eight lives today, whlle seven other victims, terribly burned, were in a critical condition in a local hospital. The well whose shooting attracted the victims and 200 other spectators to the scene of the tragedy still was burning. The well came in as a gusher short1y a storage tank exploded from cause yet undetermined, showering the spectators with flaming oll. Many of the men who rolled to safety from the sea of fire, dashed back into the flames to rescue women who had not escaped- some of them to their death.

FARMER ROBBED BY UNIDENTIFIED MAN Bellmawr, N. July Casper Scharmir, a farmer living on to police, today that he had been the Black. Horse Pike here, reported attacked bin home during the night by an unknown man who stole $6000. Scharmir said the assailant struck him over the head with a blunt 1n- strument, knocking him unconscious and them took the money which had been hidden in the hours. MILLVILLE WILL SEE NIGHT GAME, House of David Will Bring Lighting Equipment Here Saturday Night.

STEINEDER TO PITCH RESCUED WORKMEN IN WATER-FILLED TUNNEL Eleven Workmen Had Succeeded In Reaching Compression Chambers Before Torrent 01. Water Swept Into Completed Heating Tunnel Firenen Rescue. Milwaukee, Wis, July 20 (AP)Eleven workmen who faced death when water flooded a 100 foot complet ed Hedtion of a heating tunnel and the 37 foot shaft leading to It. were rescued shortly before last midnight by members of the Milwaukee fire depart ment. They were brought to the surface six hours after they were trapped.

The men were noue the worse for their experience, all having succeeded In getting into two compression chamhers when the water started pouring in. A heavy down pour of rain shortly before six clock last night taxed sewers and water. flooded down streets to the shaft. A small dike around the mouth of the shaft crumbled away and the water poured into the tunnel. STATE POLICE ARRESTED FIVE MOTORISTS SUNDAY State police of Port Norris were on the lookout for violating motorists yesterday and five were picked up and balled before Justice of the Peace Zane of Leesburg.

They were: Thomas Courtney of Glenolden, fined $3 and $1 costs for speeding; Charles Van Meter of Merchantville, suspended sentence. and ed $1 costa tor reckless driving; Joseph Smith of Millville, $2 fine and $1 costs for reckless driving; Abraham Schecter of Philadelphia, and $1 costs for reckless driying: Samuel Kauffman of Philadelphia, $5 fine and $1 costa for reckless driving. ATTEMPTING TO LOWER OWN MARK Miami, July -James Goodwin Hall. the flying New York broker, refuelled his monoplane during a 57 minute stop here today his flight from Havana to New York, in which he hopes to reduce his time made yesterday on a nonstop trip to the Cuban capital from Roosevelt Field. His time yesterday was 8, hours and 35 minutes.

Leaving Havana, at 7:04 a. m. today, Hall brought him plane down on the airport here 8:28 a. took (aboard a fuel supply and headed northward at 9:25 a. m.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF CHURCH SCHOOL TUES. A general assembly of all the Vacation Church Schools will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Trinity Social Hall. A one hour program will be given and a beauttfut set of colored slides will be shown. The slides will be on Porto Rico which subjects the schools have been taking up. There will also be other interesting features.

Rev. B. Allgood, assistant dean, will direct the program. Anyone interested in the Vacation Church School work, is invited to attend. Mrs.

Florence M. Sutcliffe, of Walkden, Lankishire, England, is spending the summer with her aupt, Mrs. WIllam Greenwood, of Powell Street. Mrs. George D.

Buck was the guest yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. William Walker at Ocean City, Millville will view Its firat nocturnal: baseball game thin Baturday night, when Fred Phrampus' clan will play host to the House of David, bewiskered diamond stars. The Davids carry their own lighting equipment and will install it at Municipal Field for the contest. It claimed by players who have Indulged in the great national pastime by night, that it la as easy if not easier to play under the artificial sun.

It la also cooler and more convenient for the spectators. The game la slated to start at 9 and a large crowd la expected to be found on hand to witness this novel offering. It may be a means of spreading games at night throughout South Jersey, The local fans will also have an opportunity to see another night game on the following Saturday, when one of the big leagues will be brought here. The whiskered tribe, being scheduled for day games after they leave MILlville, will leave their lighting equip: ment here. Millville will be represented by the best talent in Cumberland County.

Ac cording to Manager Phrampas. Ray Stelneder will be on the hillock, opposing Grover Cleveland- Alexander. BEETLES ARRIVE With the setting of the limas the dreaded Mexican beetle, which do great damase to the plants, literally eating them up, have made their appearance in greater numbers than ever before, and the leaves of the plants have begun to show their work. The only method of checking their Inroads is spraying heavily severat times during the season. Limas have never got a better growth, the season being ideal for them thus far.

DESPONDENT MAN DEAD BY SUICIDE Placed Shotgun Between Legs and Blew Away Face and Head Yesterday. ILL AND OUT OF WORK Newfield, July 20. Despondent over his failure to obtain work and in Ill health, William Calhoun, 52, of Newfield, committed suicide, yesterday afternoon by blowing his, face away with a double-barrelled shotgun on the farm of his nephew, Joseph Calhoun, at Piney Hollow, a few miles from here. The despondent man committed the rash act by piscine the gun between: his knees and pulling the trigger with 4 hammer handle placed under his foot. He of slipped away and went to the aide the house where he shot himselt.

The body was discovered by two guests, Walter Penney and James Mei Grady, of New York City, after the report of gun had been heard by them. Malaga State Police and Justice of John F. Smith, of Newtleid? Investigated the tragedy. Smith acted: in the capacity of coroner until C. C.

Kruzen, of Mullica Hill, the coroner. arrived. He Issued certificate of death by suicide and no inquest wilt be held. Mr. Calhoun was a' widower and has no survivors of close kin with the exception of his cousin and his family, VERY HEAVY TRAFFIC Officers on the corners declare that aside from the traffic of the Fourth of July and the following there were more motorists passing through Millville over the week-end than ever before in the history of motor vehicles.

Very few violations of the law were noted, and accidents were fewer In this locality then is usual on week ends. RAIN WAS WELCOME The much hoped for rain came with a thunder storm Saturday afternoon: and while much more would have been very acceptable, the rain toll hard for some time and did good to all growing crops,.

The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.