The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)

fTHXVTfXS DAILY TEfPlTnitCAl, TITT)T, AITIL 19. pit's rtm HizvniiM Dial Eircaiam MAURICETOWN MRS. AMY L. ROBBfKS Corrpondnt Mrs. Angelo Nardone and bridesmaid gave a bridal Calendar, Of Local Events Along The Atienue with Dave Gifford TX2 eaapt at I2t fa.

Cut U. Joxxsoa ffcUUW Cats T. Cwtoml Kawaft. shower for Miss Flore Nardone in the Fire Hall at. Maurice- Tod l4t UiW Mr Cussisca J.

Ciam If jr Cub. a Jon so. Ja. Care. Up Daughter! of America, Ma- I sonic Hall Tha aeason hai Just begun but the Phalterln' Phillies seem tSmhwt AmUt fare CtrmUi Kma rYae Jeree frees AntMmiuu itown Friday evening, itie bridesmaids were Miss Florence We rtcently had a call Marliiette 0f Vinrtand, Miss with regard to an Incident Floritto Vigo of Vieeland.

Mrs. taklnx place here. We Jane Powers of Pennsville, MUs to be up to their old trieju new manager and ill. Tha AmiKtm fraaa la nttUw) aBaiuaf-alf to th. om far rapubilea advised our caller what steps earoar- wj Rotary Club, YMCA I TUA-CIO Local No.

320 American Legion Auxiliary Trinity Methodist WSCS Fourth Methodist WSCS Tri-Hi-Y YMCA Board ot Director! Millville Council 1778. bo at ail ike too) mh priata Inl and Ailair Chandur, should be taken in order to dbla wmwiMT aU HI If 1 .4 i isnA In tT U'firo 'kflym i SutHIClUPTlO! SATS Mr aajrrlar and at Muinl, rival KnighU of Columbui mu ear mm- ur prDi tAnjtet) la CuratwrUn. Cap lodge a formal priest and Frank power Jr Mrg Jo possibly forestall the action seph Williams, Mrs. Mary she resented. But "the'urgo, Mrs.

Cathrin Gilbert an time for the protest passed sons, Pat and Kurt Mrs Jose- ki A phine Nardone, Mrs. Fred and nothing was done. Coeman, Florence Bald- It a beautiful Easter week end and It gave local authorities, a preview of what they might expect from the traffic situation tills summer. The roads were Jammed In this area. Mm OODU, Including tfUlrU) aVJX Presbyterian Women1! Assn.

Ever Loyal Class, Second Mothodist Mipuh Class, Baptist Police Reserve 0o loa Sit MnUi TV Mm. I Lit By fee kU. By mall athar plum On Iax SU Month Tnra Una I I By tka afa. IJ BMCtXT AJM4 totlw Day ,1, 5f ZZZTuZ Barber Shopper, YMCA, 8 p.m. MilJviUe Flyin Club, Air 0 law I fits lioatha ool KnUrad MUrrtlla.

J. aa- en thr art rrain1t Af lnnff Davis. Those wno aid not at 4 CU Matter National RtpntNUttrtti Bow week end. vou can look one tend but lending gifts were Mrs. Rena Berry, Amy Robbins, land aad Uowlksd, In- Atlanta, Hil 9 ro.

iMtar bid. Chlo-jro port, 7: JO p.m. Friendship Class, Second Methodist Fldelii Cia-le, First ward to." No Michtsan DatroU. 111 VIEW Harry Belofont glvn Mrs. Bertha Hunter, Mrs.

Ver-na Bradway, Mrs. Rose Bailey, fitapbenaon Now tort, StO IaA Philadelphia. 11 South Ulb Philadelphia Local Kobart Hllofalnas Hub St. kit bay David, 2, a better look at tKa entries at a San Juan, Speaking of traffic, they call Mrs. Freida Fallair, Cass Wright, Mrs.

Dons Cutton, Puerto Rica. rate track. Tb.y Tomorrow To allimil. t-HU KiU01icB it the rush hour, but that is when traffic Is almost at a standstill umM no flDuoUl rpoBlbilUy fori No. 82, Shekmah Chapter ackad a lani-ihat winnar.

Mrs. Mary Martelett, Mrs. Freida Issaac, Mrs. Mary Cole- i errora la advartlaa mania but la event af ea arror. a l(tr will furnished; tha advar man, Mrs.

Virginia oieeiman, Unt ao worded a to plain th Mrs. Thelma Buckouck, Miss. amid error and tb Miimue uauv Indian Princess Clan Holds Meeting Amelia Bajley. A buffet lun Republican will reprint that earl ofi aa adv.rUaam.nt B) wbioa tro- OES Manbtuc Temple- Pegaway Class, Second Methodist I Millville Lodge No. 58U BPO' Elks Millville Horticultural Society CUBA No.

257, American cheon was served. Miss Nardone will be married to Joseph traphlcaJ ermre ooeurt If tha rror tlMli tha value or in aavarcw nam and th Millville Dally Raoub What a difference a few. years make. Some years ago the "beat generation" was the kids leaving the-woodshed. a L.

Williams Jr. of Pennsville on June 25. Tha Tiucarora elan of the YMCA Indian Princess'i held their meeting last night at the! lieu ehaJ) Btbarwiaa raikavad r. (rom raaponalbllltf tharaoC teepee of Morning Star (Thw- On Friday Mrs. Blanche Ride, Mrs.

Amy Robbins, Mrs. Eva' Ostema of Port Norris, were dinner guests of Mrs. David L. Legion Bids. Y's Men, YMCA GBBA No.

7 i eie Sooy), 8 N. Pearl St. The girli worked on their Time, was when Saturday DRIVING DAD CRAZY T-o-yaar-old Sandy So.d looks was a good night to stay home Robbins. project and under discussion is ThnnfWhMU Pluh rVl4 through th roin-ipattrd window ot liar tother I cor in Mcmpnis, Tann. Sandy, har father Sam end a banana co*ke war on their way to birthday party for grandma when daddy stopped to get greeting card.

Sandy locked ntrielf in and, whil dad pleadad with hr. i Things Talked About "i i'u mumiji ui in lows Ha I and watch television. Not so any more. The better shows that were on Saturday night have moved to another Invitations given out by1 Airport Crash and Safety spread th co*ke all ever th upholstery. A broken window later, she was hustled home.

time or have been discontinued. Morning Mar were beaued'Uiuo, nrervouse, 8 p.m. rings, which everyone Bush-Kerrick Post. VJT.W. Friday evening Mrs.

Naomi Harris motored to Philadelphia Air Port to meet her son, Hudson, who flew by plane from Toledo, Ohio, to visit his mother a week. Mrs. Carrie Coursault was a Millville shopper on Friday. Mrs. Amy Robbins called on Mrs.

Mabel Holt at Millville on Friday Next week, April 26, will beiAniusemcnte Ramblin' Round a rl a im nrimorv 1nrf Inn I i Our readers would be surprised, we feel certain, if they i.ui.oij joint gym nue ior ooin ciansi l-voy: "Flvine Hav th tarn ma or nartiM Jn 8 'OUniainS i una uieir trie Arabian ghts U-I rpnrcceritntivAii tn I i knew how many people raise national conventions and noml- to 7 Lnndis: "A Dog of Flanders" Richard Reeves spent the nate their candidates to run in Next clan mtptmo will hi. ar Laurd: "20 Million Mitm tn Seldom has there been aiat last dinner were the the November general election, home of Babbling Brook "The 27th Day" 'more brilliant and entertaining formt; Miss Ad Whctoa, now -u i .1 nn iinii. nriu. n.i,ii t. James nderson, sister of week end with Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Roberts at Magnolia. their voices in protest of incidents in Millville. But usually they raise their voices only to us, hoping we will pick up their torch and carry it high. me yiuiiaijr Kivn iui i ineanair in winivuie man nnH th for- mer Miss Mr-y "dith Wheaton, i nose at tne meeting ai niht April dinner meeting oi one woman in each district as Mrs.

aild uttle sitting Nlht- the YMCA Old Timers' Club, now Mrs. A. B. Smith, his anddau; Ji who is with her iM.nlnn 1 TluDnh We may be sympathetic with u. vuuu vvvu-sqaW Mrs Liark anil Uttlei uemva unve-In: Happv their, ladies' night at w7 vt tiaDbiing UrooK, Mrs.

Applcby.Aiiniversary;" "Blue Denim" their cause but we do not in w'lich the men aonored a la In VTi ir So that while a lot will be and Little Sleeping Bear. Mis. tend to fight the "battles" of our subscribers. We are ope. low member and prominent cit izen, Frank H.

Wheaton Sr. PAR IS I Froncoise Ro- kfifl naBtlw mmnrimA law th More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Hera la a pleasant way to overeoma loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH. an Improved powder, sprinkled on upper nd lower plates holds them firmer so that they feel mor comfortable. No gummy, stooey, pasty teste or feeling.

It alkaline (non-arid Does not sour. Checks "plata ortor Get FASTEETH today at drug counters everywhere. Personals The family name of Jones willing and anxious to keep the h( a NfW T1r nrnrrram nn Ust Isoeechmaker and perhaps that Monies from Jone. which is the public informed but we lack A- accomplished, the primary Slack and Little Setting Sun, n't mean much to most Green and Little Shooting voters. And, this year it means Star, Mrs.

Page and Little less, for there is only one major Morning Cloud, and hostess for and real contest and that is on the evening Mrs. Sooy and the Republican ticket for the Little Morning Star. U.S. Senate nomination. After the voters have made GrQSS Firt Mr.

and Mrs. W. S. Wolf-schmidt and children spent th, is one of the reasons it was soiWelsh word meaning "tne son the energy to be a crusader lor jha native of Porii, France, ung generally enjoyed of John." I every cause. I la Chicago bistros.

week in Baltimore, with Mrs. Wolfschmidt's cousin Mrs. Tiure was good singiiig, some Anna O. Brown and aunt MrsJcornedy Bnd to start the evening 1 Al.ll.., tVrnrA lllflc On OVOllAnt uieir selection or aeiegates to,F caiicd rTtou j-s rM'sa: per on ballots only for his own 3:30 yesterday to extinguish a more Institute. It is a fecreJit was a $5 dinner for a dollar.

along the railroad tarial and business Vhnni Mr. It was interest ng, and no EVERYTHING 1 the U.S. Senatorship. There nT near the PRSL freight station Anna WolfschmidH cousin is i doubt surpri-ing to many or tne are three candidates for this in NorUl Millville JEW ARRIVALS At Tlis Millvilb Hospital For Tb Month Of A II 19 6 0 president of the institut e. FOR Check SUZETTE'S 110 N.

HIGH ST. Handy Layette Tel evision Programs mmimauon on tne vi.vj.r. oai-i lot. But the contest is actually between incumbent Senator Case and Robert Morris, who is being backed by the Old Guard. Senator Case has been too liberal for the conservative Republican leaders in New Jersey.

younger folks, to a those survivors, as Mr. Stites called them, of the old Shekinah Glee Club, one of the city's leading choral groups some years ago. He reminded Frank Wheaton that his father, Dr. T. C.

Wheaton was the first au- 'liary member of old Shekinah Glee Club, "hose "senior citizen still sing very well and Walter Reeves rmrraid himself. He gave no indication last 'night of ir a A total of 35 births were Mor. 15 III to -Philip Philip and Louella; 12) 3V TOMIOHT tOO PM. 6 Popeye Theatre iSO CM. 3 News :8 P.M.

He has been charged with not 1 FOR BABY TO WEAR reported in tht City of Millville during March, ell in Millville Hospital. All but weiwwweewee'vwye At Low, having supported the Eisen-j hower Administration and being too much for legislation which is termed "liberal" and "progressive" There is national significance in the Case-Morris fight. It is Clutch Cargo TiOO PM. Lockup News; Weather Morrison, 812 Archer Street. Mar.

17. Patricia Dawn to John and I la Sam-chuk, E. Forest Glen Drive. Mar. 17.

Mark William to Samuel and Josephine Ridgeway, 315 Vi N. High Street. Parker Mulford, Old Timers' head chef, had nlanned to have 0 likely there will be less than 25 ltt-w. Weather jail the food placed on the tablesJ just prior to tne entrance tne le but there was no hold nine of then wero born to Millville The list: Mar. 2.

Mary Kemble to George and Leona Slode, 312 Mulberry Street. Mar. 3. Donna Lynn to Winfield and Catherine Andrews, 9 E. Oak Street.

PRICES Check Usual Item No. 4-6 Cotton Shirts, lide-tia or pullover 4-6 Sleeveless Cotton Shirts Gowns 4-6 Kimonos or socquas 4-6 Receiving Blankets CJ 4 doi. Diapers, gause or Birdieya 2 pkgt. Diopei Liners 2 pkgi. Diipoioble Diapers 2 pair Waterproof Panti I sat Swaoters, Bootees, Cop I Bunting I Dress and Slip ing them' out of the hallway, hus blocking i assage from the serving roor' to the dining Mar.

17. Thomas Floyd to John and Catherine room and therefore when the Plummer, 320 South people were seated, only baked beans and potato salad had been i placed on the tables, bo, as 8:50 AJV1. 6 Features loi Women 9:01 KM. 3 Big Rascals 6 Happy the Clown 10 Burns and Allen 9:30 AJ4. 6 Topper 10 Our Miss Brooks 8:55 KM.

3 News 10 News 10:00 A.M. 3 Dough Ke Ml 6 Way of Lii 10 Red Rowe Variety 10:30 A.M. I 3Play Your Hunch 10 On the Go 10:55 KM. 6 Five with Phil 11:00 KM. I 3 Price Is Right 6 Studio Schoolhouse 10 1 Love Lucy 11:15 6 University of the Air 11:30 KM 3 Concentration 10 December Bride 12:00 Noon 3 Truth it Consequences 6" Restless Gun 10 Love oi Life 12:30 PM 3 It Could Be You 6 Love That Bob 10 Search For-Tomorrow 12:45 PJL -Mulford said, they would have 3.

Jerrold Scott to Mor. to wait. I i-i' -J II i I I ti 'J Everybody was hungry, judg Fourth Street. Mar. 18.

Brenda Cheryln to Claude and Rosalie Brooks, 285 Main Port, Norris, N. J. Mar. 20. Kathleen Fay to Floyd end Bonito Camp, Heislerville, New Jersey.

Mar. 21. Cheryl Lynn to James end June Baker, Laurel Lake. the way the food disap peared. Perhaps it was so good FOR BABY'S BATH Earl and Ruth Kratz, 305 E.

Main Street. Mar. 3. -Uuii Dwayne to Lewii and Betty Hannah, 524 N. Third Street.

Mar. 4. Deborah Ann to Jomei and Carolyn I that the folks just had to have 'm re. I I mose souvenir programs (were gubbled up and will be kept by those who present per cent of the vote to turn rM' even though this one contest is Charles Shaw important. Senator Case, de- 7:39 pite the handicap of lacking Laramie -the large contributions received 8 Sugarfoot for the Morris campaign and 10 Huckleberry Hound despite the fact he has had lit- 8:00 tie time to campaign, having 6 In the Dugout been kept busy in Washington.

10 Dennis O'Keefe is expected to nose out his 8:15 P-M- opponent. 6 Baseball: Phillies vs. In contrast to the strife Pittsburgh Pirates the Republican Party, the Dem-i J30 PM. ocratic senatorial primary is an' Startime easy win for Thorn Lord. Rich-j VVv.t Earp ard M.

Glassneri his opponent, 10 Dobbie Gillis is said to have been entered' :00 P.M. merely to give afull slate to1 6Rifleman an opposition ticket in a New- 10 Tightrope ark congressional district 9:80 PH. The Democrats also have a Arthur Murray eon test in this (the second) 8 Colt .45 congressional district between 10 Red Skelton John A. Miller and C. Richard PJL Tunney.

The former 1s expect-1 8M Squad ed to win the nomination hands' Alcoa Presents down as the regular organize-jlGarry Moore tion's candidate. 10:30 P.M. In the election of delegates' i Johnny Midnight: Mystery there is minor opposition in 8 Keep Talking both parties. Rut it is seldom 11:00 PJd. the organization candi-, I News dates ever run a chance of los- 6 -Newa ing for the i a election 10 Newg usually draws comparatively few voters and they are almost 3 Jack Paar aim-ays the faithful party work- 6 Movie ers or voters, or both.

10 Movie It may seem we go to a lot 12:45 A3I. of trouble for an election that 10 Movie wfU decide so little. But that is A.M. the way it is for the Demo-I Benjal Laniv'ra' Duncan, 412V. East Mar.

21. Lisa as a memorial of the occasion, Beth to Cribs pkg. lb. pkgi. Main Street George end Eileen I Only members of the family ho were missing Baby Oil or Lotion Baby Powder Boby Cream Swabs Cotton Satety Pins Boby Both Diaper Pail Scale Bath Towels Hood Towel Woih Cloths Harold Sherman, Burns Rd.

Mor. 5. Roland to Roland and Bet-Mar. 22. Victoria Ann to ty Morrison, 2 Moreisj Robert and Ann Rioux, Play Pens Avenue.

143 S. Second Street. Mr. Paul Frank Adorn Jordon CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION BY i UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF ALL STOCKHOLDERS of Strollers Tomola SedioJ IV, to Adorn end Betty Uoyd, 309Vi Green I FOR BABY'S CRIB I FOR BABY'S CRIB FITHIAn TRANSUE, INC. i a i 823 lt N.

Fourth St. Mor. 7. Letitia Maria to Anthony and Evelyn Clement, Silver Run Rood. a New Jersey Corporation The loi-ation of the prinrlpal of fi-e in his Stale 1 nt No.

10 Street. Mar. 25. Cheryl Lynn to Horry and Mary Hyson, Old Union Road, Vinoln-rf I rth High Street. In the Citv of Millville.

fount of Cumberland an.i Mat of Mar. 8. Tracy Lynn to Ma 'i Carriages The name of 'the assent therein 'and in chrtrce Thereof, upon whom Paul and -Jean Cam lrre HcuiriM this corporation Richard and Eldean Polhamus, Port Elisabeth, N. J. m.iy servM.

I J. 1'eter Pnvlilow North Hlsrh Street. Millville eron, 1320'. Conol fitted Crib Sheets 4 Flat Sheets 2 Pillowcases 11 4 Quilted Pods, 17 18" ll 4 Quilted Pods, 18 34" 2 Quilted Pads, 27x34" or 34x52" I Orion Blanket fl 2 Cotton Crib Blankets I Comforter 2 Sleeping Bogs i piiiow Mattresses Street Mor. 8.

Sandra Dee to Mor. 25. Mary tllen to 1:30 A.M. nerry and Dolores! Max end Maria cratic arrr ana tne Kepuoiican Party have only this method of nominating their candidates for i Kws Wood, 10 E. McNeolj Schulti, 522 Columbia it KM.

itreet. Avenue. the general election. 10 News EASY CONVENIENT TERMS ar. 8.

Susan Beth to Mar. 25. Mark Anfh'ony Horry end Dolores! to Joseph ond Virginia Wood, 10 E. McNeol Sharp, Vineland, N. J.

Years ago all this was done a M. a a state convention of each! All-Night Movies Trty Just as there are na- WEDRttD tional conventions to choose' a na a A FOR FEEDING BABY i 10 The Guirime Light 1:00 P.M 3 Douglas Fairbanks 8 About Faces 10 News 1:65 PJtt. 10 People's Choice 1:30 P.M. -3 TV Kitchen 6 Who Do You Trust? 10 As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 3 Queen For A Day i 6 Day In Court 10 For Better or Worn 2:30 P-M.

3i Loretta Young ft Gale Stornjv, 10 House Party 3:00 PM. 3 Young Dr Malone -Best The Uock 10 Millionaire 3:30 PM 3 From These Roots 6 f- ndstand 10 Verdict Is Yours 4:00 PM. 1 3 Thin Man ,10 Brbter Day 4:15 PM. ,10 Secret Storm :30 PM. 3 Buckskin 10 t.t Ut Night I 8:00 PJ-L Morie 10 Loie Of 5:30 P.M.

I 6 My Friend Flicka. 10 Movie 5 Street. Mar. 26. John Henry 9.

Roland Philip! JoiePh Virginia Mor. 1 anorp, Ymeland. N. Jerey. 1 XV the

t'1rig; all the of the Flthian and jTranMie. a corporation of the I Stat of New Jerv rteeniltiar it jBdvi-iahie and most fc-vr the benefit of corpira io that same should he forthwith dissolved, do iherehT (rive our content to the d'-'oliition thereof, jt provided hy "An Aft Conrernlnjt Corporation ami ilo Men thl-cornent to the end that It mav he filed In the offi-e of the Secretarv of S'ate of the of New JerT onr hands this SlM da of Manh a T. JKAV KITRUN VTOHKI. DIXON FRANK FTTKP. TiAVIPOW KP.ANKUN TRAN5CR.

J. PavMnw proxr TRAXPfF." hT J. Pe er Ttv' prrTT CTATF! of VFTV COCNTT OF CVMrlK-KLANTt 1 I J. Pavldow. the "enretarv rf the shove named F'tVan and tr.c.

he'nr fln't" sworn. on his oa'b nys tha the foreeolre in the -solutl'Mt nf said corooration been irried bv every -vl-1- of thi cornpanr 1 J. PFTFR PAVrpow 1 and Cwnrn to before Toser, Airport. Mor. 26.

Donna Susan to 12Lorroine Suson wh party's nominees for Pres- I Continental Classroom went and Vice President 10 rsrrn News We changed to the primary bocaus it wu said the political Seminar bosses made the elections at y.cfl onventions whereas an elec-j Today tion would permit the rank and 6-Unireraty of the Air fSe of voters to decide who was ioNfW, to carry aach parry's banner, ar. to Mauelr. A A.J 3'l MOrth Baby Spoon Formulette Kit, Tongs Niopla Brush Bottle Bush Nipple Jar Measuring Spoon Srt Funnel Sterilizer Bottle Wormtr 91 Fifth. Street. ull 28 Kenneth Poy i- i to Laurence end Flor Qay FURNITURE TV-APPLIANCE co*k.

HIGH UNI 10Amoe Andy mutt tu gcuciaj c.nuun. So, despite the lack of inter- 534 7.J0 AJIL voiorei.Ann ro, ence Parent, George and Mary Cot-1 Cedor Street. wt and the paltry few who will in "er, n. Mor. 30.

James Burton to i cte, the primary election does! the people they wanton- Little Margie, te BJ 7:41 KM. wmi ana donara Mor. 13. Rustetl Kurt to Preston and Mary Chew, 3S7 Peek Ave. Robbins, Port Norris, ha Breakfast Time new Jersev.

WE HOLD YOUR LAYETTE FOR 60 Dars (With Smell Deposit), 6 Months (If Paid rfl Full). A Norwerian ship captain. KM. Mar. Cynthia Jeen'to Mar.

30.Doug!as George Cveni Fcyn, invented the hsr- William and Betty to Frederick end Sel- roon F.m to oapture m-balae in tilt KM. me tht riir Mareh A ln KATHUTN HFir.AX Vit.irv Jereev Fr'a. Fe: I-IK-Tn. ma Boiley, 551 Carl- Parent, 302 W. Mc-Nesl Srtt.

ti A.

The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.