The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024) iiKPunLicAN. iin nsn.Y. Apnn i.vinii XACE TEN Bur War Bonds BUmpt Mir. spent Easter with Mr. and I n-d to South Amboy hn Saturday Hubert Goetz of Mcu find brotiKht two daughter i home who hiive bn spending c.

holidays with their Spring And A Gu And A Gal mm n.iilt MiM.rrf Knnriiiv uilh Mr. Rl'nipaterilS. ri I I i. I umioiu ni, wewl ooodl A STRIKE day keep the doctor a v. spent Sun-He is em.

Fiiljcrmcn To Again Governor's Tourney To Be Held This Year "day with his fumil And boosts he tl'i, wfnii.M.T oi lfl ttnKjU K-" -ntertained Cliiss 5 at i H.irry Newrotnb of Port wl fl nh luncheon ut 1 who is here caring for her nicwhiy nfWmion. i who is -an invalid xpent the Mrs Kuth Buck und children oi; homp ragsl Bowling provide regular, healthful else that's fun I MILLVILLE NOW PLAYING "Lifeboat" Wilh Tallulah Hanlvhnid William liendix Waller Slezak Mary Anderson kj is veiling ncr moinor, 'John Ik'inpser. Nf. Hiitnitt Webb. hd the to fall at her Iioiiic iind li.i.s broken arm.

Artiy Robbins nnd i.i of l.vonx. N. called un Joseph's Liquor Store 20 N. High St. Phone 117 IJEER -jaift Trenton, April 13.

The New JrtNey r'isfi and Grnnc f'uinmihtiinn today announced cooperation in -th Fourth Annual Governor's New Jersey Fishing' Tournament which will open on the first dny -of the trout season, April 15, and urged nil licenced ishermen participate in the tournament in competition for vhIiihoIc prizes. BOWLING CENTER Phone ttT Open ETenings 7 tiruthei Mr', nnd ilw-i ii.i Kiiiier of Vinel.inil on Sumluy. find Mrs. Thomu Fox case SURPRISING HOW YES, AND EASIER ON THE THROAT, MARVELS MUCH MILDER AND George C' Warren 1'teniilont of the State Fish and Game Com-mlnvlon, and Fred W. Jnckson, Managing Director of the New Jersey Council, will represent Oovernor Walter-E.

Edge the tournament Governor Edge is -rrttnisiairtkalfy supporting the tournament, which, according to plana, will be more popular than ever this year. -same classes ai last yeai BETTER-TASTING A BOTHER ME FRESH CIGARETTE IS 23-25 N. HIGH ST. MILLVILLE A South Jersey Institution Owned and Operated Exclusively' By ond For South Jersey Interests. will be open for competition.

Foi the fresh water fishermen the winner will be the heaviest Brown, Rainbow or Brook Trout -Black or Small Mouth and Oswcgi or Large Mouth Bass: Pike. Pick GENUINE EVEKEADY MAZDA erel, Pike-Perch, Rock Bass, Calico lirass Tire Valve I Baas, Crappie, Yellow and White Perch, Blue Gill Sunlish and MARVELS ARE A TOPIC WITH SMOKERS BECAUSE. Marvels use only fully aged, selected tobaccos, fro wartime skimping on qualitv." jr Marvels are packed and to stay fresh 26.4 longer ,1 by laboratory test. Common. Sunflsh.

r--' Beam Headlamp "I UnUs--. S1.3S Value The cfasses In the -salt water compeitlon are: Blue Fish, Chan kU' nel Bass, all kinds of Mackerel, Striped Bass, Skip-Jack and Am 6(S berjack, Croakers, Kingfih, Sea Bass, Porgies, Summer lounder, The lanuu ehrry blossoms around the Tidal Bnsin in melon nre out in full benuty und so l-j that certain wmethirig tn which a young man's fiinry twnn -vcn In' wartime, judging by photo above i MOTOR OIL SPECIALS Handy RISTLITE nuke, Blackfian, Cod and Weak fish. The off-shore fish will be plac Farms this i finish tine point out of first place points while Marts was fiirrnet ut ItirhSfds liriducton with 12. -week: Guest wen Mr. and Mrs.

i ed in a special division. These and Camuric won three from Broadcloth. One Gallon Jug COLUMBIA MOTOR OIL AU' Grades of WEST SIDE Fd. Fl. FT.

include White and Blue Marlln Broadblll, Albacore, Dolphin, suitinc; The FRESH Cigarette of Quality Mako Shark and Tuna. Entries in these classes will depend on kC 59c i i 1 120 221 147 129 2 14.1 1H5 133 130 FLA1 IHUTE 1 1 0 0, 0 1 Gibcrson Lutr Ewan Bennett, Tellers, Slimmer, Spiegelmyer, Fellney, Breeden, g. 'whether or not the ban on sea going boats is lifted. STRAPS ON WRIST The greatest prize of the tourna ment to be awarded for the best WHJLE THEY LAST T. I Mr.

and Mrs. 'Hoy Dickinson of; 3, Salem. 1 Mr. Dickinson, a magi- i 13 cian, -entertained. 0j New officers wore installed as: '2 John Focmaler, Flrnei 4 president: Luther Zinri, i vice president; H.

S. Dare. Bridge- 1 --ton. Catto Jr. 23 Vineland; trcimirer; Eric 1 HirmijiKham," publ icily John- KellinB.

Millville, chaplain: j-12 Ilert Williams. Millvillo; Elmer: 6 1 Oi iif; Clliisslxiro; W. A. Sutton, Mt. I 2 i Kphi iam and C'lavton Schcnck anil 3 T.

1 15 384 187853 131411 179438 52 1786 7 3 T. 1(12428 153471 478 160542 823 571 ToUds, DRUM QUALITY LIBERTY MOTOR OIL All fQ QQ IncL Grades Tax Totnhi, PKJUE 2 1 10 3 Fl. catch of the year will be the Oovernor Walter E. Edge phy, donated by the Governor of New Jersey, who is an ardent fisherman. Many other valuable prizes will be awarded to tour Pullman Handy Kspp Moffctt 2 123 JR0 154 IBS 143 138 ,188 194- Qet VUamUa NaUtfie'l Way! M'Corns'n 'olishinjf Mitt Miskclk-y nament winners for good catches FX 3 0 4 .0 0 I M.irt-f.'..

Joyce, lUilloi'k, Southard, Johnson, Luna, 5 3 1 8. 2 0 0 Real Fine and Sofi i II John Helling of Mill ville, direct 0 0 0 0 1 0 Excellent Tor .645 G63 611 1919 Totals, 4 0 Ironing Board Tad and Coter Set SI. SO Vslue ors'. William I luher of Med ford waKlhe retirrns; i Cars and Furnitura Stores Win Title In Bowling League FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Undo tmm' save, "lot Mere 'rath frvitt and Vef tablet far Heaitn." Tee'll 'alighted with eer better aelectien and J4 it, i i 't, i .9 0 BHOAUCLUTH Jafigers, 35e Tl Me 3 T. Value '-SB- 11 i.

Totals. 25 WilUey I 117 14(1 171 2 133 102 153 Score bv nerlods: reewneWe prtcea. Reiner California Select Lara Thick Spears West Side 5 15 1 4251 kIlridgeton 2 6 6 1023: Iloffncr and Wilson. 1 0 8 10 13 20 MAUCETQWrl Miss Jennnette Campliell and Mildred'' HobHins spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Roland Sharp at Lees-burg.

1 Mrs, Ijpp Quidorttnf Wildwood. spent Tuesday in town while here enjoyed the CMas 5 luncheon at W. Stores 19 Scheduling 14 Personnel 12 Purchasing 10 Shipping 8 Controllers 0 Stores won the second 129 379 1 1 1359 158482 398 1220 3" T. 134458 130 423 Totals, Set of 3 Allen Set-Screw Wrenches Popular Siies IIULLDOG ROOFING 434 388 CAMBRIC 1 2 163 159 144 149 152', 141 Pigeon Association Installs Officers COMPOUND half Gross Skedxt-U 29 championship of the Armstrong Women's Bowling League last 119412 Schwegel set the home of Mrs. John DempserV Adds years to the life ol your Rooll Fills all New Crop Spinach 2 19c Calif.

Carrots i. 5e CriSp Iceberg Lettuce, 10c Juicy lemons '6 15c The South J-ersev'-'l'iKeon Asso Janet JLiteman-' nnit" KtofCn'i I eintion -held iti Ifilh nonnnl hun- 450.148,, 383 1291 night by taking all points from Scheduling and finishing five points out in front. In the other (cracks and brtaks i Made of Highest Qual Scotty AUTO POLISH CLEANER ity Materials. 7 BATFAST 12 Baumbach 114 135 Gallon 1" Hogan 122 127 Steel Drum matches, Personnel took four from Shipping and Purchasing took four from Controllers. SHIPPING 1 2 3 T.

McCarthy 90 7 91-259 Cielon 80 135 97312 HeinU 90 -j 83 882(10 Juicy Florida Seedless GRAPEFRUIT Ritchie 133 130 1H fc 1,1 Pint GhuKiui ONE GALLON CAN 3- T. 133 -3H2 .138385 172435 Ml- 4U7 012 1000 3 TT, 1 15-387 141-304 112? 301 BulldoK ROOF CEMENT Totals, I Fix jfef)c Totals, Rocf NjowI I'rot'jxluhc Oil Filter. "Cart ridges Fits Most Cars .507 5H0 SATKBM I 2 mi 03 130 ..112 107 114: 127- Pimcoiist 274 840 3 T. 198304 83277 88323 ,...260 3f)6 PERSONNEL" 1 2 ..1 127 109 100 94 123 112 SturdyrSteel Flat Boxes Ideal Spaghetti Dinners p'" 27c god Seat Cake. Flour" 44 21e Pillsbury's Hour 61c goCdSeat Enriched Flour 10 50c Glenwood Citrus Marmalade 25c OSC0 Pure Peanut Butter Rihmkkcl Tomlm Blind Lauber Branln Busted 133 374 Sise 1 $1.50 Value 69" 430 555 531 1516 0UU.U1I Totals.

Totals, zm. 352 315 327 994 rot Lunch rfJeMaP Imperial Distributing Corp 204 Elmer Street. Vinaland. N. West Side Team PURCHASING.

Small Valuables, OOc etc. Special OOP Phone: Vmeland 44 3 T. 1 2 GUARANTEED Water I'umps Defeats Bridge ton sssVBSssssssssssTBSfls ammmmmmmtmmmmllmm-lmmmm-mmm-m 129 30 80274 95245 1 tW ill I 1 1 1 li i I I I I Hi lord 1.98 .130 97 87 88 Duncan Brown Pol ham us Vineyard 10! 97 834 84 STURDY STEEL WIRE LAWN 80258 Oeeranteed FrethI Enriched Supreme Ford V-8 2.29 Chev. 29-ai 1.98 Chev. 33-36 2.29 ToUls, 402 345 390 1137 The West Side bntkHbnll team Of this city nosed nut the Bndue-lon Hnptutt team 25-23 in a dose Congest Tuesday at IliidKe-ton.

The HridKcton the church league championship "of their city and had nt loit a mi' all season. SAVE AND BVY WAR BONDS CONTROLLERS BREAD 3 3 T. RAKE RemoTes Dead Chev. 37 to 42 3.98 With Old One Traded large i Leaves, ale. Milita Totoro V.

Souder Schmickel 35 93 104 84 64127 78281 132330 84221 loaf Zcllers led Millvillo with 13 2 'r 28 110 94 53 '285 nrtthed hy ndditlen ef Vitamins it. Niewla and ire. Totals, 31,8 358 War Bonds and Stamps on Sale ai This Theatrs BUTTER 49c -48c 0 points ps iwiied) SCHEDULINO I i 84 99 119 84, 80 103 74 109 louellrj luHatr Wtllt ef wwr- Hewif. 4um profit km, more loveMa avoilehle). fcupply etfll KmltW kvt LAST TiMES TODAY Keber lugbty Malone Morgan i Totals, jntit ot.

ov tr wi 1 1 ejsw tenra yoyr iwdt. Other. Brands Butter JS '47c iW ewrnre ewr pmu4 3 T. -57- 240 101 304 97280 87270 342 1094 3 102 2112 91 315 109341 92 260 HATCHED MATCHED vL- Fancy Grey SUNTAN -1 I.nslripe Covert WORK SUITS Ml WOK SUITS Ko.MI 1 1 1 Sanforised Pants and Sanforised Pants ami fe Ful1 Cut Custom Shirts A-J Us'vVlue vdm 3 Windshield i 1 lb. Assorted Valve Pulling" Cleaner Tubing WOOD SCREWS TOOL ep- tLJ JT' Putting J1 71 Ft.

aTlkc Tires 357 395 STORES 1 2 98 92 101 123 122 TlO 90 78 JVa Peutt- JEot Point Qood VaUu! Ne Palnte Needed-Iarly Jeee PEASJ1.15:6S8C Peaco*ck' Smallwood Duvtlla i. FiUge'r'ald 'Totals, 411 403 3H4 1208 24e.2ceif Jlc OSC0 Shoestring Beets Now Located At Pique Wins Second Half Title In Loop H'Jlle Ne. lcan "-lrc Hurlock Cut Stringless Beans Hurlock Ripe Tomatoes I 4 Glenwood Apple Butter 16c nwrniinuuei W. 34 33 23- rCan rj Vi Tnlnts L. 14 13 25T 25 30 Pique BaUast Broadcloth Cambric Suiting Bif Sale Cleaning fteedl 23 18 We Have All Popular Sizes of Grade I Tires Tubes Bring Us Your Certificate or See Us on How to Secure Them 35 Sateen 13 Pique bowlers took four points St Lighthouse Cleaner "3 IV from Suiting last night to win the second half title of the Millville Manufacturing Company, Bow ling League.

They -will now roll against Suiting, first half champs, for the league title. The playoffs are week. 1 In the other matches last night Batfant won four from Sateen to We alxo have Pre-War Tires in 18- and 2(T siies 1 Metal Clamp Quality 4 Ui t2y License Holder i rls SI ilass Top (formerly located at 315' N. High St.) FUSE PLUGS won SALE rtm single rellin. tr at.

Hot water AM raven-tfo. Ce lecetien. wngalew in euburbe. R. E.

HEINTZ NCIary Public Ral tMili and Inturanee Jui(et the Peace. 10th an -Nam Streets. Phena S2 fTlsimftktl 'W eTB ffre An Kn-kmaa't ClMitier Rlriataa's lares laeo 5c Kirkmon'i Seep FMrt M23c Kirkmart't Ores). See l23 "33" Bleach wIOe Spic S-a Cleer Zero Cleaner Swtbert See Z'lOt Silver Sods "t9t qCedori- tml5t Speed-Up Ammonia 9c Laundry Cems 2 15c i aXD Washing SODA 6C rBfeac, 'rA Each Ine Col ma s. v.

TIRE Open Daily 8:30 A. M. TOMORROWa SATURDAY "RIDING HIGH" Dorothy Lsmour Dick Powell Victor Moore T10N STATION See Us Open FrL SaL Evenings On Your Tire Problems Closed Wed. 1 P. M.

SADDLES BR IDLES HARNESS SLAirttETS l'Srer fpur Service Station Ztml Rd. St BrMgete Pike Pkmse SOD Tbee Pricm ISectie le) Ooe ttsrae awd Classified Ads Pay Big Dividends; i UT IT PAYS TO READ REPUBLICAN AMXRTISLNG men werneve in vit'nn.

The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.